E-commerce Data Tracking Fulfills the Role of Evidence in Taking On a New Course in Business

Published Categorized as Business

If a leader wants to make any decision in a company, she needs to assess the evidence. What can support that decision? What can she point at to help highlight what she believes is right? Aside from a few rare exceptions in business, everyone has a boss. At the least, they have people who are influenced by their decision. A leader needs to look at all the evidence to add brevity to their “case.”

The building of evidence is especially important when taking on a different direction. It must be justified because it is often cumbersome and alienating to many people who are involved. A change in direction will make some people mad. It may enforce the changing of habits, bring on new risk, and accelerate miscommunication depending on the overall complexity of the change.

Where does this evidence derive from? In web development, it comes from the data. The data will inform, like a well-accomplished scientific study. It will provide the answers that were already present. It just took someone to lay out the floor plan for it to become visible.

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Data tracking is a pertinent element with e-commerce solutions because the data will surface what works, what visitors care about, how they show their care, and what they are doing about it. The data can cover small and specific details. This can include:

what pages and reference words were used to land on that page

how long the visitor stayed

how much they spent in what timeframe

how many times they returned to the page in what timeframe

basic demographic information as organized through Hosting

The above data is evidence to support a change in strategy. It was only built and defended based on the information retrieved through data tracking. This is why data tracking through Web Solutions Specialists is so particularly important. It builds logic to an opinion. It crafts a justified reasoning for why a certain decision was made. The demographic information can surface who. The time details can specify what works and by how much. All of it builds a case- a well of evidence for a justified and affirmative decision.